Final Light is a post apocalyptic animal fantasy setting based primarily around Alaska. Ignoring the warnings of a lawbreaker prophesying their downfall, the four colonies of the forest are massacred by nightmarish monsters. Leaving only a few survivors, this event became known as the last time any cat saw light; Thus, cats began calling it the Final Light. Forced into a nocturnal lifestyle to avoid the Nightmares, and unable to rebuild without being slaughtered, cats struggle to find hope in a world that even the gods themselves have abandoned.
Inspired by Warriors, Rain World, SCP-001 (When Day Breaks), Horizon: Zero Dawn, and the Better Bones AU (on Tumblr), Final Light is a setting that focuses on the themes of hope, survival, and the impact of the past on the present. This setting began in January 2023, directly inspired by Bonefall's Warriors AU. Currently, it is split into two projects: the Clangen mod where you build a colony and survive after the Final Light, and the original game concept where you play as a lone cat trying to complete the seasonal trials and rebuild the colonies.
I've been getting asked a handful of times if it would be alright for others to write stories or adapt this setting, and the answer is YES!! PLEASE go nuts, I am absolutely ecstatic and honored that people like the lore enough to ask! The only requirement is that you please credit me as Shinyrobin on Toyhouse, I do technically have a Tumblr for this setting but haven't been active on it. You are also welcome to ask me questions on my discord or on the Clangen mod thread about the lore, it's not a bother and I love talking about this setting.
Optionally (but very much appreciated), send me the link to your work!! Among other things I've been asked about stories, art, and even a roleplay server- I would love to see what you come up with, and you have my full permission to borrow ideas or adapt the setting as you see fit. Only exception are the characters in the 'canon' setting, just ask me first :]